Studi Tizianeschi IV

Various authors
Silvana Editoriale
Year 2006

Pages 192

Price: 19.00 €
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The fourth issue of Studi Tizianeschi comes in its usual two-part form, with an initial section dedicated to essays and a second to the publications and events connected with Titian. The part dedicated to essays is thematic, in that it contains the items presented at the international convention of studies on “La bottega di Tiziano”, organized by the Fondazione Centro studi Tiziano e Cadore on April 6-7 2006, to disclose the initial results of a multi-year research project on the Titian workshop. 

After Bernard Aikema’s introduction, this issue contains the following articles:

Giorgio Tagliferro, “La  bottega di Tiziano: un percorso critic”; Enrico Maria Dal Pozzolo, “ La ‘bottega’ di Tiziano: sistema solare e buco nero”; Andrew John Martin, “ La bottega in viaggio. Con Tiziano ad Augusta, Füssen e Innsbruck (1548): domande e ipotesi”; Matteo Mancini, “ Tiziano in Spagna: catalogo, committenti, strategie. Una proposta di lavoro per l’identificazione della bottega; Augusto Gentili, “Ancora sull’Allegoria della Prudenza”; Paul Joannides, “Titian and the Extract”; and Lionello Puppi, “Un Cristo portacroce per ‘Sebastian Viniziano’”. 

The new section of “Documenti tizianeschi” follows, while the second part contains reviews on several volumes and the column dedicated to some of the most significant Titian-related articles published recently. The two important exhibitions held in Naples and in Bordeaux/Caen in 2005 and 2006 respectively are also reviewed.