Studi Tizianeschi III

Various authors
Silvana Editoriale
Year 2005

Pages: 128

Price: 19.00 €

On line price: 16.00 €
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The third issue of Studi Tizianesch was issued in memory of W. R. Rearick, founder and first director of the periodical, who passed away in July 2004. Eight colleagues and friends were glad to remember the renowned scholar with an essay of their own. These are Beverly Louise Brown, “Titian’s Marble Muse: Ravenna, Padua and ‘The Miracle of the Speaking Babe’”; Augusto Gentili, “Il gesto, l’abito, il Monaco”; Jean Habert, “Titian’s Jupiter and Antiope, called the Pardo Venus: Copies Tell the Story”; David Rosand, “Tiziano sacro e profane”; Lionello Puppi, “Per il periodo italiano del Greco: punto e a capo”; Enrico Maria Dal Pozzolo, “Due Tiziano? Un Bassano, forse” ; Stefania Mason, “Tiziano nelle collezioni scozzesi: note in margine alla mostra di Edimburgo”; and Caterina Furlan, “Tiziano nella storiografia artistica friulana tra Sette e Ottocento”.

The second part of the volume contains a choice selection of book reviews of recent publications on Titian and related themes, as well as a review – by Michele Di Monte – of the most important papers and articles published during the previous year.

In closing, some of the exhibitions in which Titian was the protagonist or in any case present in an indirect yet decisive manner were discussed.